Goals, Wellbeing Tracy Playle Goals, Wellbeing Tracy Playle

When Summer ends

What happens when Summer ends? All around social media I see celebrations of a wonderful Summer, and woes that it’s now all over as we get back on the hamster wheel of day to day life. What if the joy of Summer - the togetherness and permission to play - weren’t a moment in time, but instead a constant state of being? How would your life look different?

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Coaching Tracy Playle Coaching Tracy Playle

What actually happens in a coaching session?

In a break from the usual blog posts that focus on transformations you can make in your life, this week I instead offer a glimpse into what actually happens in a coaching session. How do we tackle the issues that really matter to you? And how is my style of coaching designed to help you make breakthroughs that last instead of just patching over the cracks.

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Saying no is a selfless act

How often do you stop yourself from saying “no” to something that you really want to say no to because of all of the stories you carry in your head about what will happen if you do say no? I suspect this is a recurring theme in many of our lives, including my own. In this post we recognise that saying no doesn’t just serve us, it also serves others.

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Wellbeing Tracy Playle Wellbeing Tracy Playle

On wellbeing and welldoing

How do you serve your well-being? Do you take a walk? Take a bath? Go dancing? Are all of your well-being practices actually about “doing” something? And could they be in service not of well-being, but instead of trying to fix things in your life? In this post we explore well-being and well-doing, and share ideas for practices that blend both in service of making once-and-for-all transformations in your life.

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Confidence, Empowerment, Imposter syndrome Tracy Playle Confidence, Empowerment, Imposter syndrome Tracy Playle

How to be more confident

A lack of confidence is one of the biggest barriers I, as coach, see to people living fulfilled lives and pursuing their dreams. At its worst it becomes full-blown imposter syndrome. To achieve confidence, we put in place a world of conditions: “I’ll be confident when…”. We make confidence hard work. Instead, there might be another way…

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Imposter syndrome, Coaching, Confidence Tracy Playle Imposter syndrome, Coaching, Confidence Tracy Playle

Can we ever get comfortable with or overcome imposter syndrome?

Do you ever feel like people are going to find out that you’re not as smart as they think you are? Or do you feel like you don’t stack up and don’t belong? If so, you’re probably experiencing imposter syndrome and it is absolutely holding you back from living your best life. It might be time to make a change.

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Wellbeing Tracy Playle Wellbeing Tracy Playle

How are you?

When someone asks “how are you?”, how do you answer? Do you answer with a judgement (“I’m good” thanks) or an insight (“I’m really happy today”)? In this post we explore how this often flippantly placed question can actually disempower our true being, or empower deeper relationships with others when we allow honest answers to be shared.

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Goals, Career Tracy Playle Goals, Career Tracy Playle

In pursuit of the perfect job description

Why is it that the search for a more fulfilled work life so often starts on a job board? In this post, we explore what it looks like to think about career changes from a place of empowerment and true self, rather than from the needs of a business outlined through their job descriptions. 

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